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The Tall Ships Races 2022 - Route Map
The world-famous sailing-event The Tall Ships Races will be returning to the city of Antwerp in 2022!
From the 22nd until the 25th of July 2022 the famous Tall Ships Races will be visiting Antwerp. It will already be the 7th time that the sailing-event is organised in the city. The last edition took place in 2016 and attracted over 500.000 visitors. In 1956 they had the intention to have the race, which consisted of 20 sailing vessels, as an homage and goodbye to the era of the tall ships. But the event attracted so many people and so much attention that they decided to repeat it annually. Decades after the start of the event it still attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors to the ports where the Tall Ships Races berth. Nowadays the event consists of almost 100 tall ships from all over the world.
Source: sailtraininginternational.org
Host Ports & Sailing Plan
The Tall Ships Races Antwerp 2022
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As a race The Tall Ships Races is meant for trainees between 15 and 25 from all over the world. They will make up a large part of the crew on each vessel. A total of around 3.500 trainees will participate. As a matter of fact, everyone can apply, even people that have never set foot on a (sailing)ship. Apart from the experiences on board the trainees will also be able to take part in sports competitions and cultural trips in the cities where they are docked. Click here for more info: Sail Training Interational
The Tall Ships Races in Antwerpen 2016 - ©Sebastiaan Peeters The Tall Ships Races in Antwerpen 2016 - ©Sebastiaan Peeters The Tall Ships Races in Antwerpen 2016 - ©Sebastiaan Peeters The Tall Ships Races in Antwerpen 2016 - ©Sebastiaan Peeters
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Thursday 07 July until Sunday 10 July Thursday 14 July until Sunday 17 July Firday 22 July until Monday 25 July Thursday 4 August until Sunday 7 August
Esbjerg, Denmark
Harlingen, The Netherlands
Antwerp, Belgium
Aalborg, Denmark
The Tall Ships Races 2022 - Route Map
Participating ships
Participating Ships Tall Ships Races 2022 The Tall Ships Races in Antwerpen 2016 - ©Sebastiaan Peeters The Tall Ships Races in Antwerpen 2016 - ©Sebastiaan Peeters