© 2024 Cruiseschepen in Antwerpen All rights reserved -
At the bottom of this page you can find our e-mail adress. If you have any questions about the cruise ships that come to Antwerp please contact us. We will be happy to help you.
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
Is het mogelijk een cruiseschip te bezoeken als het aangemeerd ligt in Antwerpen? No, due to practical and safety reasons it is not possible to visit the ships. There are some travel agents that do arrange visits onboard the ships  from time to time. Should the city of Antwerp ever arrange a visit this will be clearly mentioned on the website. How do I know if a cruise ship will turn during the arrival or the departure? If a cruise ship will turn during the arrival or the departure depends on the tide. Normally a ship will always dock against the current. That means that a ship that arrives during incoming tide will turn upon arrival, but when the tide is going out the ship will turn during the departure. Of course there is always a possibility that this rule is broken due to special circumstances. Click here for the tide table of Antwerp. Are the images on the website free to copy for own use? No, all the imagery is copyrighted. Therefore the use of logos and images is not allowed without permission.  This also applies to images without a visible watermark. If you want to use imagery please ask for permission in advance.
My name is Sebastiaan Peeters and I am a Flemish maritime journalist that has specialised in passenger ships, and more specific in the cruise ships that come to Antwerp. Because there was no place where one could find elaborate information about the cruises in Antwerp I decided in 2010 to start this website. The website, which went online on January 1st 2011, has now expanded into an archive with everything that is currently known about the cruise ships that have visited Antwerp throughout the years. But the search for old data and photos still goes on. The website started as a hobby but has grown into more than that over time. Have fun exploring the website! If you have any questions you can always contact me via the e-mail address below. Sebastiaan Peeters
cruiseantwerpen@gmail.com ©Sebastiaan Peeters Home
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